Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
B.K. shoe company |
25 |
B2X customer care company |
35, 37 |
BHARAJ trade mark company |
42 |
BLUES clothing company |
25 |
BOLLYWOOD clothing company |
16 |
BS rain harvesting company |
37 |
C2C company to consumer |
12, 13, 16 |
CA the adaptation company |
9 |
CC coil company +arrows |
11 |
CHIRAG electric company |
9, 11 |
CO the bowling company |
28 |
CO. the bowling company |
25 |
CONCEPT clothing company |
25 |
CONNELL BROS company +globe |
31 |
DCI company quality system |
3 |
DRAPER the tool company |
8 |
DRM transport company |
39 |
ENDEAVOUR mobility company |
42 |
GARDEN tea company |
30 |
GIRISH tea company +plant |
30 |
company |
11 |
GOLAK AZAAD bidi company |
35 |
GOLDPLUS music company |
9, 35 |
GROSSO clothing company |
25 |
GULABDAS & company |
24 |
H.R. tobacco company |
34 |
HIMALAYA pharmacy company |
35 |
HMS GULAB thread company |
23 |
company |
16 |
INDO FUJI elevators company |
37 |
INFINX tandon group company |
42 |
IP INTERPLAST kids company |
21 |
ITM-company |
41 |
JAI MATA marble company |
19 |
JITESH trading company |
4 |
KADAIL finance company |
36 |
KADAIL finance company +god |
36 |
KEDARA an iso 9001 company |
19 |
KONDRA the new idea company |
42 |
LEVEL 1 clothing company |
25 |
LOTUS chocolate company |
30 |
LSI THE barcode company |
16 |
MAKHAN fish company (MFC) |
29 |
MCC MAHAVIR colour company |
2 |
MICROLAND e service company |
9 |
NAUTICA jeans company |
25 |
NLC no label company |
25 |
company |
30 |
OTC omana trading company |
35 |
company |
29, 31 |
PANS & company |
30 |
PAUL trading company |
25 |
PERCEPT picture company +ma |
16 |
PMD masala company +arrows |
30 |
POOMI clothing company |
25 |
PULL SPORT clothing company |
25 |
RAJENDRA trading company |
9 |
RELIANCE warehouse company |
42 |
REMINGTON grooming company |
8 |
ROHAN book company +squares |
16 |
SAHIB trading company |
12 |
SANGAM radio company |
7 |
SANJEEVANI group of company |
14 |
SANTOKH electric company |
35 |
SBC school book company |
35 |
SC JOHNSON a family company |
16, 21, 24 |
SCOR tea company |
30 |
SDC surat diamond company |
14 |
SISA trading company |
1 |
SNP a company that cares fo |
19 |
SOHAN trading company |
30, 35 |
company |
11 |
company |
35, 38, 41, 42 |
THANGAMANT sweets company |
30 |
THE EAST india company |
8, 11, 21, 27, 41 |
THE LABEL company |
24 |
company |
9 |
THE west company +triangles |
17 |
THIRD WORLD company |
20 |
THIRD WORLD company +turtle |
20 |
THIRD world company |
25 |
TOWLE manufacturing company |
14, 21 |
TRANSVERSE realty company |
37 |
TSC the shirt company +oval |
35 |
TVS motor company +horse |
12 |
VENUS trading company |
6 |
VIJAY expeller company |
7 |
VORTEX engineering company |
39 |
VRM an iso 9002 company |
19 |
WAVES audio company |
9 |
WF-009 clothing company |
25, 35 |
XEROX the document company |
9, 16 |
first leasing company +man |
36 |
golden company KROCUS |
5, 9, 11, 25, 30, 32, 35 |
company |
14, 21 |
company |
8 |
m MUKUL music company +oval |
9 |
malwa & company KAMAL gulal |
3 |
prasanthi cashew company |
29 |
rbc ROHAN book company |
16 |